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Tupacfan Channel Service CMaster Command List
Updated: June 19 2003

* Parameters enclosed in <>'s are mandatory.
* Parameters enclosed in []'s are optional.
* x|y means x or y.
* <nick> refers to a person's IRC nickname that they are online with.
* <username> refers to a person's username as it appears in the
userlist; not to be confused with <nick>. For more information about
usernames and how to determine a person's username, refer to the
VERIFY and INFO commands (level 0).
* All commands shown with the <username> field can also work by
specifying a user's IRC nickname that they are online with by
preceding their nickname with an equal (=) sign. For example,
consider a person with the nickname ^[Test]^ and username Test. The
ACCESS command can be performed on this user in either of these 2

1. /msg x access <#channel> Test
2. /msg x access <#channel> =^[Test]^
The 1st method directly queries X as to whether or not the username
" Test" is in the userlist. The 2nd method makes X lookup ^[Test]^'s
username if they are authenticated, which refer's to their username
of "Test." This can be performed with any command that requires a
< username>, but will only work if the user is authenticated,
otherwise a "No Match" reply or equivalent will be returned.


LEVEL 500 Commands : Channel Manager

PART - Makes X leave your channel.

/msg x part <#channel>

SET - Changes special X modes for channel.

/msg x set <#channel> <variable> <value>

* Variables and Values:

AUTOJOIN - When the flag is set ON, it makes X always join your channel. When the flag is
OFF, it will make it part if it's on the channel, and not re-join after a netsplit.

/msg x set <#channel> autojoin <on|off>

MASSDEOPPRO - The maximum number of deops X will allow in a 15 sec period. Any user
exceeding this will be kicked, suspended (if on the userlist) and a level 25 ban placed on
them to prevent ops. The suspend and ban time is 5 minutes. When setting the MASSDEOPPRO,
value can be set from 1, which is the most sensitive, to 7, which is least sensitive. A value
of 0 turns off the option.

/msg x set <#channel> massdeoppro <0-7>

NOOP - This means that nobody may be a channel operator except X. This does not mean you
don't have control of X or the channel. If you are authenticated, you can issue commands
like KICK, BAN, etc. through X, you just can't be opped yourself.

/msg x set <#channel> noop <on|off>

STRICTOP - This allows only Level 100+ users who are authenticated to be opped.

/msg x set <#channel> strictop <on|off>

LEVELS 450-499 : Trusted Channel Admin.

SET - Changes special X modes for channel.

/msg x set <#channel> <variable> <value>

* Variables and Values:

AUTOTOPIC - This flag makes X reset the topic to the channel DESCRIPTION and URL every 30
minutes. Note that if the channel is idle, the topic will not be reset during that time.

/msg x set <#channel> autotopic <on|off>

DESCRIPTION - Sets the default channel topic (maximum of 80 characters). This does NOT
affect the actual channel topic, unless AUTOTOPIC is ON. The topic can be seen only by the
CHANINFO command (level 0). If no description text is specified, the current description is
Alias: DESC

/msg x set <#channel> description [text]
/msg x set <#channel> desc [text]

FLOATLIM - Sets the floating-limit feature on or off. If turned on, X will reset the channel
limit within a preset margin above the number of users in the channel, and within a
preset period of time. This aids in preventing large floodnets from joining and flooding the
channel. By default, this feature is off. When turned on, the STATUS command will show the
settings on the "Flags set:" line as follows: "FLOATLIM (MGN:3, PRD:20, GRC:1, MAX:0)." This
means that FLOATLIM is on, with a FLOATMARGIN of 3, a FLOATPERIOD of 20 seconds, a FLOATGRACE
FLOATPERIOD commands for more information.

/msg x set <#channel> floatlim <on|off>

FLOATGRACE - Sets the floating-limit grace value to be used in the channel. This number can
be between 0-19. This makes X avoid changing the limit if it will be smaller than the grace
value. In other words, this is the value that corresponds to the number of extra users that
join or part a channel before X changes the limit. As a result, X will not litter quiet
channels with lots of mode changes. The default value is 1.

/msg x set <#channel> floatgrace <0-19>

FLOATMARGIN - Sets the floating-limit margin to be used in the channel. This number can be
between 2-20. The limit that X resets will be: number of users in the channel + FLOATMARGIN.
The default value is 3.

/msg x set <#channel> floatmargin <2-20>


LEVELS 450-499 : Trusted Channel Admin.

FLOATMAX - Sets the maximum limit for the floating-limit setting. This can be any number
desired, and will prevent X from changing the channel limit to a number higher than the
chosen number. Thus, it is possible for a channel to limit how many users they want in
a channel at any given time. The default value is 0, which turns the setting off.

/msg x set <#channel> floatmax <0 | max limit desired>

FLOATPERIOD - Sets the floating-limit period, in seconds, to be used before X resets the
channel limit. This number must be between 20-200. The default value is 20 seconds.

/msg x set <#channel> floatperiod <20-200>

KEYWORDS - Sets keywords for your channel that will trigger on a SEARCH (level 0) of
channels. If no keywords are specified, the current keywords are reset. The maximum string
of keywords is 80 characters long.

/msg x set <#channel> keywords [text]

MODE - This will save the current channel modes as default. Whenever X joins the channel, it
will reset those modes if any are not set at the time and it is alone in the channel.

/msg x set <#channel> mode

URL - You can state your channel's homepage address(es) with this option (maximum of 75
characters). Spaces are permitted, allowing multiple URL parameters to be specified. This
does NOT affect the channel topic, unless AUTOTOPIC is ON (level 450). The DESCRIPTION and
URL can be seen by using the CHANINFO command (level 0). If no url is specified, the current
url is reset.

/msg x set <#channel> url [url url2 ... urlN]

USERFLAGS - Determines whether or not OP or VOICE will automatically be set for AUTOMODE when
a new user is added to the userlist. Default value is 0 (None). NOTE: Once a user is on the
userlist, the MODINFO AUTOMODE command (level 400) can be issued to change the value for
that individual alone.

* Values: 0 = No AutoMode set for all new users added.
1 = Op AutoMode set for all new users added.
2 = Voice AutoMode set for all new users added.

/msg x set <#channel> userflags <0-2>

JOIN - Makes X join your channel.

/msg x join <#channel>



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